With three absolutely packed workshop days, there is really not enough space in the blog to relay all that went on but it was very stimulating and everyone was pumped up to the hilt.
Jean's latest craze ( besides her obsession with pavement and potholes) is pushing the limits on the embellishing machine. I always had reservations about the Embellisher as I wondered if it was really worth the investment. Having spent a couple of days with Jean ( who will embellish almost anything that comes within her grasp) I have decided to purchase one. Seeing firsthand what the machine is truly capable of and having thoughts of creating your own fabric is just far too engaging!
Jean has a piece of her embellisher work in the new book " Embellish and Stitch" by the late Val Campbell-Harding and Maggie Grey. You can check it out via Maggie's blog
http://www.magstitch.blogspot.com/ I've just ordered a copy for myself so will let you know more about it first hand when it arrives. Maggie was invaluable to me and CEG London a few years ago when I was teaching mask making, by sharing teaching materials and helping me to track down the then elusive " softsculpt". Thanks again Maggie!
Jan and Jean also have a wonderful series of books ( and a couple of new ones coming out shortly) available through their Double Trouble Enterprises
http://www.doubletrouble-ent.com/ and they can also be obtained on this side of the pond through Barb at
http://www.joggles.com/A very special thanks to Jan and Jean for yet another fantastic visit with us. They had each and every one of us on stim overload and left our minds racing and our fingers itching to create!
While here with us, Jan and Jean stayed with Connie Jefferess, a highly revered and beloved member of our guild. All three were close friends with the late Constance Howard who was our guild patron for many years and it was wonderful that they could enjoy some quality time together while the workshops were going on. Below is a photo of Connie, Jan, Johnnene Maddison, our guild workshop convenor and Jean.
Notable quotes from the workshop:
"It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have" - the late Constance Howard
"Life's too short and I'm too busy"- Jean, on cooking
"Some of you are too good and tidy for your own good" - Jean
" Make it atmospheric and textural not applique plonked on" - Jan on creating work on Aquabond
"Don't let your beads sit there like measles "- Jean, on adding beads as embellishments