Monday, September 10, 2007

More colours to make you think!

Here's another wonderful site that gives you some amazing colour palettes to play with and there is an overwhelming number of combinations. Some of them will excite you, some will make you shudder but all will incite a reaction in you. You will also find news, articles and trends among many other colour related topics. You could spend hours here playing and learning.

In addition, there is a link to a most interesting colour and design blog, which I have enjoyed for some time. It's a fascinating read and will educate you daily!

After getting psyched up with all this colour stimulation, now go through your stash, beads or threads and pick out some colours you don't normally gravitate to and put some together...... mix and match and play! You'll be surprised what can develop from these exercises.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

I put colorlovers on my RSS right away.
Thanks, Leonie!