Sunday, July 13, 2008

For my CQ Friends

Many of my good buddies are Crazy Quilters and I personally LOVE the medium. My ever vigilant son , the DA, put me on to the Apartment Therapy site recently. Goodness knows how he came across it!
I've often thought about crazy quilting the old wing back chair in my studio and this patchwork link has certainly got me re-thinking this again!

OK ladie and gents- start the wheels going around!


allie aller said...

That first chair is great!!!
The rest are a little hodge-podgey for me, but the idea is cool....
Thanks, Leonie!

Leonie said...

I like the headboard/footboard on the bed idea esp if done in tapestries. Did you check out the rest of the Squint site Allie? Lots of inspiration and brain storming from their format....

NickiLee said...

Can't wait until I show this to my husband...being a lover of all things CQ, I mentioned to him I wanted to CQ an ottoman - he thought I was Crazy... little does he know.......

Nicki Lee

Rengin Yazitas said...

what a wonderful things....I must have a cup of coffee and review them once again:)) Thanks so much for sharing, Leonie.
Much Love,

Leonie said...

Nicki - thanks for stopping by. Once your husband sees these babies, he'll probably be quite happy you're just considering the ottoman! Unless....twinkle in eye!
Pop by again sometime as I'm starting to get the blog rolling again. Enjoy your stitching!

Leonie said...

Rengin, my friend, how nice to hear from you again. I could just see those chairs adorned with your beautiful ribbon embroidery and a few oyas where one doesn't sit! (+:
Now that things are settling here, I am hoping to get back to stitching with a vengeance so stay tuned! Have a wonderful summer!
Love, Léonie