Sunday, July 27, 2008

Glorious landscapes

Who doesn't love Mother Nature? She has long been a beloved subject of artists of all genres. Of late, it seems there has been a passionate interest among textile artists to create landscape art and there are numerous blogs and tutorials available to pursue the technical aspects of same. However, we are always seeking inspiration to kick start our creative bent. The photo heading up my blog today is of an iris bog not far from my home. After what seems like a " forever" winter, one is greeted by a sea of yellow and rich greens which lifts the spirits and warms the heart. I hope to incorporate part of this glorious scene in my ongoing Earth, Sea, Sky tryptich which I will be blogging about in the future.

For breath taking photos that will hopefully give you some inspiration, clink the link below. Thanks to Smashing Magazine for their always insightful and informative blog articles:

Friday, July 18, 2008

Do you tend to explain your art?

"Explanations are the traitor of art
Serious art defies easy interpretation, and artists should resist the call to explain themselves"
......Jonathan Jones

This quote from the Art & Architecture blog in the British Guardian newspaper
gave me food for thought this morning. As textile artists, do we explain too much or does the need for explanation go hand in glove with the medium?
There are a myriad of blogs out there in cyberspace written by textile practitioners, many of whom are professional teachers or by those who naturally teach as they write to their readership. Everywhere you look tutorials abound. BUT I notice that aside from the " tutes" and blogging, many textile artists seem to have a need to explain their work and why they did it etc. Even at Gallery Openings where texile art is prominent, I hear artists explaining their process to viewers or prospective clients. I personally don't see this done as much in other mediums in these type of venues. More often than not, you see the viewer immersed in deep thought over a painting or sculpture and you can almost see the wheels going around while they try to discern in their own mind what the artist is trying to say.
What are your thoughts on this? Does our medium demand explanation or is it the fact that there is a largely female population immersed in this art and verbal communication comes more readily to women? As females and nurturers, does teaching or explaining come naturally? Do women artists in other mediums feel a need to explain their work?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

For my CQ Friends

Many of my good buddies are Crazy Quilters and I personally LOVE the medium. My ever vigilant son , the DA, put me on to the Apartment Therapy site recently. Goodness knows how he came across it!
I've often thought about crazy quilting the old wing back chair in my studio and this patchwork link has certainly got me re-thinking this again!

OK ladie and gents- start the wheels going around!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

July 4th - Happy Independence Day to my American Friends!

Textile of the Day

On July 4, 1776, the United States claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Today Independence Day is celebrated all over the nation and by Americans stationed around the world.

Greetings to my American friends and have a safe and enjoyable day!
To follow up on our Textile for the Day here's an interesting site to learn more....